FAQ for 6250 : Does this unit have the ability to send its data to a central weather service -- such as Weather Underground? If so, anything additionally needed?

Answer 01

I believe that if there is a computer connection on the readout, the file created in your computer may be in a format that can be sent. You would have to download from the unit and see what you get and see if the weather service could use the file. There used to be local weather nets that took data from private sources.

Answer 02

Yes the Davis 6250 has the ability to do just that with additional hardware an software.

Answer 03

Yes. And yes, you need the USB interface (comes with WeatherLink USB Software). I don't use the WeatherLink software though (see my review), I use the WUHU software (free) instead and am very pleased with it.

Please keep in mind that this is a commonly asked question for the product 6250.
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