
FAQ for 6250 : Where is the product made?

Answer 01 The Vantage View is made in the U.S. with some imported parts. Answer 02 It is made in the USA with imported parts. Sorry it took so long to answer. Please keep in mind that this is a commonly asked question for the  product 6250 . You can f…

FAQ for 6250 : How do you keep bird crap out of the rain collector?

Answer 01 Bird spikes should be at least an option. I had to buy the extra bird spike adapter to keep birds from pooping in the collector or build a nest. Its very simple!!! Answer 02 1. I have the transmitter mounted well clear of trees and have neve…

FAQ for 6250 : Does this software work with a Mac?

Answer 01 The weather station does NOT come with software to interface with a computer. You have to buy that separate. You would want "Davis WeatherLink 6520 Software Data Logger & Cable for MACINTOSH" Please keep in mind that this is a …

FAQ for 6250 : How much does the sensor suite weigh?

Answer 01 Davis doesn't give the weight, but it's one to two pounds. Answer 02 Three to five pounds..... Please keep in mind that this is a commonly asked question for the  product 6250 . You can find the product page at the following link: 62…

FAQ for 6250 : Does it have an atomic clock?

Answer 01 I assume you're really asking if the system has a radio clock that receives the UTC signal from the government's atomic clock. As far as I can tell, it does not. Part of the wireless console setup is to input current date, time, time…

FAQ for 6250 : Can you add sensors?

Answer 01 Per the manual "07395-261_IM_06351.pdf " it can also receive data from the Advantage Pro 2 weather station. Answer 01 Not with the soft ware that exists with the base unit Please keep in mind that this is a commonly asked question …

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