FAQ for 6250 : What alarms are included with the Davis Instruments 6250 Vantage Vue Wireless Weather Station? In the description, it states that there are 22 alarms?

Answer 01

Barometer, pressure trends rising and falling, Humidity in and out H/L, Dew point H/L, Rain flash flood 15 min & 24 hour, Storm, Rain Rate Hi, Temp in and out H/L, Heat index H, Wind Chill L, Wind speed H & 10 min average, Time and Date, & Evapotranspiration (for Pro2+ with solar radiation sensor).

Answer 02

I don't know all of them... there's a freeze one. wind temp rain and so on. I bought the software that went with it and I monitor it on my phone and computers I was driving home yesterday and saw a big cloud where I live so I checked my phone and saw that I had got .25 inches of rain and the wind was around 10mph. This is my second weather station and I love it.

Answer 03

I never use alarms. Having said that my recollection is that virtually any item the station reports can have an alarm set so that when a certain data point is reached the alarm will go off. For example when freezing temperature is reached the alarm goes off. I have silenced all of mine.

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