FAQ for 6250 : In S. Hemisphere you will need to point north. Will this make the wind direction readings reversed and if so can this be remedied?

Answer 01

You want to set up Weather Station so that the solar panel points due NORTH in Southern Hemisphere for maximum exposure of sunlight (pg. 7 of integrated Sensor Suite manual). The side with the anemometer points toward the Southern Cross). Then use wind calibration feature (pg. 27 of Vantage Vue console manual) after instrument is mounted in final position to set compass in direction the anemometer is pointing. Even in the Southern Hemisphere, East is still east and west is west. Wind speed will be inaccurate unless device is placed at elevation of about 11 meters well free of obstructions like trees or buildings. The manuals will be quite helpful.

Answer 01

Wow I had to really look for this one. The answer is YES. On page 7 of the Sensor Manual it refers you to page 27 of the Console Manual. The console manual explains how to calibrate the wind direction indication for use in the Southern Hemisphere. The Davis weather stations are the best by far for home use. Trust me on that one. Good luck.

Answer 01

North and south are exactly the same in the southern hemisphere as the northern. Point north if you want correct wind direction indications.

Answer 01

You point the solar panel to the sun then you can change the wind direction in the settings. I am in the northern hemisphere and I had to do it to mine.

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